商业 carpet is a favorite among many different retail and restaurant businesses. 它增加了一种温馨的感觉和温馨的氛围,这是很难通过任何其他类型的地板选项实现. 不幸的是地毯, retail businesses and 餐厅 often see a lot of foot traffic, 哪些会导致污垢, 瓦砾和食物颗粒迅速堆积在地面上,并随着人们穿越该地区而进入地面. This can lead to staining and dark spots in high traffic areas.
Our local and experienced cleaning crews at 所有的清洁 have the industrial vacuum cleaners, 地毯洗发水和地毯清洁解决方案,可以清除最顽固的污渍和地面的污垢和碎片. 我们的全面地毯钱柜平台登录是从使用扫地机清除最大的碎片开始的. 然后, 我们使用带有旋转刷的商用真空吸尘器,深入纤维内部,把地面上的污垢拉出来, 花粉和食物颗粒. This helps ensure your carpets are clean and ready for your next day of business.
在需要的时候, 我们也提供地毯洗发服务, which uses a color safe carpet cleaner and water to effectively clean your carpets. This technique can remove stains and discolorations, which can increase the useful life of your carpet and keep in looking beautiful.